Physical activities for children – how to choose an activity that suits their age?
Physical activity for children is a key element of their healthy development. Regular physical activity improves fitness, supports motor coordination and affects the child's overall well-being. The selection of appropriate forms of exercise should be adapted to the child's age and abilities to support their motor development and ensure the joy of activity. In this article, we suggest which physical activity will be best for a child depending on their age.
Why is it worth taking care of physical activities for children?
✔ Supports the development of muscles and the skeletal system.
✔ Improves coordination, balance and flexibility.
✔ Strengthens immunity and helps maintain a healthy body weight.
✔ Supports social development through playing with peers.
✔ Reduces stress and improves mood.
What physical activities for children depending on age?
1. Physical activity for children aged 1-3
At this age, movement is primarily about exploring the world and developing basic motor skills.
✔ Outdoor activities – walking, running, swings, slides.
✔ Ball exercises – rolling, throwing, catching.
✔ Musical movement activities – dancing, clapping, playing with songs.
✔ Obstacle course at home – walking under chairs, crawling through tunnels.
✔ Pool activities – getting used to water, splashing, simple exercises.
2. Physical activity for children aged 3-6
Children at this age begin to use their motor skills more consciously and are eager to participate in group activities. ✔ Riding a balance bike or scooter – supports balance.
✔ Sports activities for children – football, gymnastics, dancing.
✔ Games with hula-hoops and skipping ropes – develop coordination.
✔ Playground exercises – climbing, overcoming obstacles.
✔ Team games – ball games, races, tag games.
3. Physical activity for children aged 6-9
At this age, children develop their sports skills and can participate in more demanding activities.
✔ Martial arts – karate, judo, capoeira teach discipline and body control.
✔ Dance classes – hip-hop, ballet, ballroom dancing.
✔ Team sports – basketball, volleyball, handball.
✔ Cycling – longer routes, learning to ride on two wheels.
✔ Gymnastic exercises – basics of acrobatics, yoga for children.
4. Physical activity for children aged 9-12
Older children can try more advanced forms of physical activity. ✔ Individual sports – tennis, swimming, athletics.
✔ Fitness classes for children – aerobics, general development training.
✔ Mountain trips, cross-country runs – contact with nature and building endurance.
✔ Learning to dance in various styles – hip-hop, breakdance, jazz.
✔ Team games – developing cooperation and strategic thinking.
How to encourage your child to be physically active?
✔ Choose activities according to your child’s interests, do not force them to do one activity.
✔ Engage in activities with your child – joint trips, physical activities.
✔ Reward effort and effort, not just achievements.
✔ Create a daily rhythm with time set aside for movement.
✔ Limit the time spent in front of screens and introduce alternatives in the form of physical activities.
Physical activity for children is not only great fun, but also an important element of proper development. The choice of appropriate activities should be adapted to the child's age and interests. Regular activity affects physical health, social and emotional skills, and also teaches self-discipline. What physical activity to choose for a child? It is best to choose those that are fun and at the same time support motor and coordination development.